Bernhard Haslhofer wrote on Monday, April 26, 2004 11:07 AM:

> Hi,
> I'm hosting a project consisting of multiple subprojects. Each
> subproject is depending on jars of other subprojects. To be able to
> compile (and test) each subproject I have to include jars of other
> subprojects into the particular classpath. Since it doesn't
> make sense
> to publish project-dependent jars in a central repository
> I've to find
> another solution...

Why not? If you have an inhouse repository does it really hurt? And if you still want 
to keep your project artifacts in a repository shared only by your project team, why 
don't you use a central repo for your team only?

> what I've tried so far:
> ------------------------------------------------
[sniped 1]
> 2.) defined a local repository, pointing to jars of other subprojects
> maven.repo.remote=,file:///D:/Proj
> ect/Subproject1/dist/ 
> --> works, but is not a proper solution

Why not? You should just use a shared network path or a http server for your local 

> -----------------------------------------------
> Any suggestions how I could my problem?
> Is there a way to manipulate the maven.dependency.classpath property?
>   If yes, I could use a java:compile pregoal...
> Is the multiproject plugin the solution? If that is the case,
> is there
> any useful documentation? Any examples?

see above.


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