For very simplistic needs, commons-net, we just named our java test
cases with the suffix, 'FunctionalTest'.  Using excludes and some
minimal jelly around the test:match goal, we have a test:functional

  <goal name="test:functional">
    <j:set var="testmatch" value="*FunctionalTest"/>
    <attainGoal name="test:match"/>

It worked for this case.  I have a larger use-case where I work.
About half the 1800 tests are too slow and depend on external systems.
I've not really come up with a way to do this yet, except maybe
keeping an exclude list, then write custom goals for the integration
tests ( basically how we are doing it in ant now ).

I like the idea of having a separate project, especially for
acceptance/functional testing.  The other thing that the pain of
separating what you define ( and myself btw ) as integration tests in
maven provides is motivation for not writing slow tests or tests that
depend on external dependencies at that level.

>>>>> On Mon, 26 Apr 2004 12:28:37 +0100, Tim Stephenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hi, I notice that there have been a few changes to the project xsd
> (and supporting implementation classes) around integration tests
> sometime over the last year when I have been away from maven for one
> reason or another.

> I have an old problem around how to split out certain tests (which I
> dub 'integration tests') from the regular unit tests. There are 2
> ways I identify these tests:

>     a) slow running tests b) tests that require the project code to
> be deployed before testing begins (eg EJBs)

> I used to employ a modified version of the test plugin that offered
> goals like iutest:test and iutest:single, but unfortunately
> developed this when the test plugin was rapidly evolving so it
> quickly became obsolete. Can anyone suggest the preferred approach
> to solving this problem now that the pom support for the integration
> source directory is deprecated (and partially removed)

> Thanks, Tim

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