I opened this issue a few days ago, and I can tell you what i did while waiting for 
the answers.

I decided i wanted to have a central repository for all the project.properties since i 
realized that i had almost the same properties in similar projects

So now i have a few files, one with the default maven settings and other that includes 
only the maven properties for ejb, xdoclet, war, aspectj etc etc

Then in the maven.xml file i import the desired property files depending on the kind 
of project

This way i have only one place where i can change the properties if needed, and if the 
default property for a project is not enough the developer can just create a 
project.properties in the project dir and override only the default value

Doing this way i removed all of my project.properties from the subproject but one, and 
i have only 5 properties file to manage

I worked hard on this since we have more than 50 subproject and i just couldn't afford 
to keep all the maven.xml, project.properties and project.xml up to date, so i came up 
with a central repository idea based on entities

Hope this help

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