Have you run multiproject:install so all jars/wars/ears have been made for
the site goal to use to generate reports?

If appEJB's pom extends app's pom, it might be because of not using
${basedir} as a prefix. For example: ...>/src/java<...

What's the output? Maybe the javadocs report failed because the command line
was to long (there is a fix for that by writing them to a file), maybe other
things failed.

With kind regards,
"Ricardo de Souza Moura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef in bericht
> I am trying to use the multiproject plugin, but when I try to call
> multiproject:site, it fail.
> my structure:
> app
>    appEJB
>    appWEB
>    appEAR
> I call maven multiproject:site from app directory.
> The error:
> You must exclude app:app (the top level project) from the subproject set
> All properties are with default value, so my maven.multiproject.includes
> propertie is with value: */project.xml. So my top level project is
> But...
> When I call:
> maven -Dgoal=site multiproject:goal
> almost everything works well.
> I understood that would be generated a aggregate site in the
> ${basedir}/multiproject/ with a menu with links to all subprojects. It
> didn't happen. Why not ?
> Thanks
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