
"Christian Nill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a mysterious problem where maven doesn't "want" to use its xdoc-Plugin (v 1.6 
> on
> rc2). On one day invoking the site:deploy goal caused no problems while on the other 
> day
> the build fails like this:
> File...... file:/opt/tomcat/.maven/plugins/maven-site-plugin-1.5/plugin.jelly
> Element... attainGoal
> Line...... 40
> Column.... 42
> No goal [xdoc:register-reports]
> Total time: 12 seconds
> Finished at: Mon May 03 12:00:55 CEST 2004

I guess, this isn't the real cause of your problem. Is there any
other additional error output ?

> Trying any xdoc goal directly leads to a NoSuchGoalException. The same project's 
> site-goal
> (and several xdoc goals) build perfectly on my local Win2000 machine, but on the 
> server
> (Sun Solaris) they won't.

This smells like a display problem, which occurs if you are e.g. using
fonts on Unix and you neither have a DISPLAY set nor using JDK 1.4
with the headless option. Does the problem occurs if you are running
maven from the CLI and you are sure that you can start X programs
(like xlock) from the command line (with a valid DISPLAY environment
variable set) ?

                                                        ...roland huss

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