I just wrote a goal based on the code for jar:deploy.  I copied the contents
of the goal and then inserted a <signjar> right before deploying.  If anyone
is interested here is the code:

        <maven:user-check user="${maven.username}"/>
            <attainGoal name="jar:jar"/>
            <property name="maven.jar.to.deploy"
        <j:set var="sl" value="/"/>
            <util:replace var="jarToDeploy" oldChar="\"
            <util:replace var="forwardSlashBaseDir" oldChar="\" newChar="/"
            <j:if test="${!forwardSlashBaseDir.endsWith('/')}">
              <j:set var="base" value="${forwardSlashBaseDir}/" />

                <signjar jar="${maven.build.dir}/${maven.jar.to.deploy}"
alias="milkshake" storepass="frylock"/>

              assureDirectoryCommand="mkdir -p"
              siteCommand="cd @deployDirectory@; chmod g+w
${maven.jar.to.deploy}; chgrp ${maven.remote.group} ${maven.jar.to.deploy}"

Also, was wondering if it would make sense to have a property where you
could specify the alias and storepass and if these have been set, have all
the jar goals sign the jar right after generating it.  I was thinking maybe
a maven.keystore.alias and maven.keystore.pass and then in the jar goals
just check if any of these are set.

-----Original Message-----
From: Buorn, Yoway 
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 11:05 AM
Subject: Signing jars before deployment

Does anyone know of a good way to sign jars before deploying them?  I've
tried writing the following goal:

        <goal name="jar:sign">
                <attainGoal name="jar:jar"/>
                <signjar jar="${maven.build.dir}/${maven.final.name}.jar"
alias="milkshake" storepass="frylock"/>
                <attainGoal name="jar:deploy"/>

Unfortunately, after the jar is signed the deploy goal causes the jar to be
built again, without being signed.  I couldn't seem to find any properties
in the jar plugin reference to help with this, so I was wondering if anyone
has any idea what the best approach to this would be.  Thanks.

Yoway Buorn
Software Engineer
Imagery Systems Engineering

Advanced Information Systems

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