
I don't think this is exactly the answer to your question, but maybe it
could be useful. Below are some snippets from our maven.xml files for the
server and client pieces of a JWSDP JAX-RPC based application. We put all of
the JWSDP JAR files in our local Maven repository and then reference them as
normal dependencies. Our JWSDP JAXRPC-SI specific configuration files are
called config-[web service model name].xml and are referenced as part of our
source resources in project.xml.

Server side:

    This goal creates the JAX-RPC model and WSDL files and places them in
the expanded
    build webapp directory. It runs after the war:webapp goal from the Maven
war plugin.
  <postGoal name="war:webapp">
    <!-- define JAX-RPC ant task -->
    <ant:taskdef name="wscompile"
        <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
    <!-- loop through the resources in project.xml -->
    <ant:echo message="resources=${}"/>
    <j:forEach var="resource" items="${}">
      <j:set var="directory" value="${}"/>
      <ant:echo message="directory=${directory}"/>
      <!-- put XML files from the resource in the 'files' variable -->
      <ant:fileScanner var="files">
        <ant:fileset dir="${directory}">
            <ant:include name="config-*.xml"/>
      <!-- loop the files from the resource -->
      <j:forEach var="file" items="${files.iterator()}">
        <ant:echo message="file=${file}"/>
        <!-- parse out the model name from the config file name -->
        <j:set var="model"
        <ant:echo message="model=${model}"/>
        <ant:mkdir dir="${}/gen-model"/>
        <!-- generate the model and wsdl files for this config file -->
        <ant:wscompile base="${maven.war.webapp.dir}/WEB-INF" define="true"
verbose="true" classpath="${}"
model="${maven.war.webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/${model}" config="${file}">
            <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>

    <!-- update any tokens in web.xml -->
    <ant:replace file="${maven.war.webapp.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml">
      <ant:replacefilter token=""


    This goal creates the JAX-RPC implementation files.
    It runs after the war:war goal from the Maven war plugin.
  <postGoal name="war:war">
    <!-- define JAX-RPC ant task -->
    <ant:taskdef name="wsdeploy"
        <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>

    <ant:mkdir dir="${}/wsdeploy-generated"/>
    <ant:move file="${}/${pom.artifactId}.war"

tmpDir="${}/wsdeploy-generated" keep="true"
        <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>

Client side:
    This goal creates the JAX-RPC stubs.
    It runs after the java:compile goal from the Maven java plugin.
  <postGoal name="java:compile">
    <!-- define JAX-RPC ant task -->
    <ant:taskdef name="wscompile"
        <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
    <!-- extract the WSDL files from the server WAR file -->
    <j:forEach var="dep" items="${pom.dependencies}">
      <j:if test="${dep.artifactId == 'my-server'}">
        <j:set var="my.server.war"
        <ant:unwar src="${my.server.war}"
            <ant:include name="**/*.wsdl"/>

        <!-- copy config files to filter values -->
    <ant:filter token="my.server.war.webinf"
    <ant:copy todir="${}/conf" filtering="true">
      <ant:fileset dir="${maven.src.dir}/conf">
        <ant:include name="config-*.xml"/>

    <!-- put config XML files in the 'files' variable -->
    <ant:fileScanner var="files">
      <ant:fileset dir="${}/conf">
          <ant:include name="config-*.xml"/>
    <!-- loop the files -->
    <j:forEach var="file" items="${files.iterator()}">
      <ant:echo message="file=${file}"/>
      <!-- generate the client files 
      <ant:wscompile base="${}" client="true" debug="true"
verbose="true" config="${file}">
      <ant:wscompile base="${}" keep="true" client="true"
debug="true" verbose="true" config="${file}" features="donotoverride">
          <ant:pathelement location="${}"/>
          <ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>


I hope that is in some way helpful!


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Chow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 7:09 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Maven and JWSDP-1.3 !!!


Is there any body success change the build from Ant to Maven in the
JWSDP-1.3 ???


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