Hi all,

is there a way to resolve a property in jelly explicitly? The checkstyle
plugin internally sets the checkstyleProperties property which in my
case is based on maven.checkstyle.properties. I set
maven.checkstyle.properties to
${projectA.home}/master/src/config/checkstyle.xml in ~/build.properties.
projectA.home in turn is specified in a specific project.properties
Before the ant target of checkstyle is executed it prints out the
checkstyleProperties property correctly with the path resolved whereas
the target itself bellies up, because it can not find the configuration
file "file:${projectA.home}/master/src/config/checkstyle.xml". I assume
the checkstyleProperties property is not resolved correctly inside the
checkstyle ant target.

Did anyone come across a similar problem?
Thanks for any help.


Dominik Dahlem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Trinity College Dublin
Department of Computer Science, 
Dublin 2, Ireland

fax: (+353) 1-677 2204
www: http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Dominik.Dahlem/

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