Hi Alexi,

Thanks for clarifying. So what you could do is keep the applicationContext.xml packaged in your jar and update your war's POM to use the "dependency:unpack" mojo to copy it to the right location to be included in your war.

The dependency plugin page has an example of unpacking specific artifacts:


The end result is that the war classpath will have two applicationContext.xml files, but the one packaged in the war *should* resolve before the one in the jar allowing you to make tweaks to it to change the behavior. This assumes that you are loading the Spring context from the classpath (eg. "classpath:/applicationContext.xml").

I've not tried this before so can't give you specific examples, but hopefully this points you to a solution that works.

Joe Hindsley

apolenur wrote:
Hi Joe,

Thanks for spending your time and share your experience.
I don't think that solution you are proposing will work in our context.

I see 2 issues with approach you are proposing

1. I have to maintain 2 copies of applicationContext.xml one in WAR and one
in JAR (for testing).
2. My JAR is really an independent module which can be used in WAR as well
as in other environment.The content of applicationContext.xml from JAR just
used by Java code in my jar, it is never directly loaded or used by java
code in my WAR.  The combination of jar and applicationContext.xml really
forms an independent module - jar has classes and applicationContext.xml has
configuration for them. Thus I really like to maintain
applicationContext.xml withing my jar module src tree and then deploy it
together with jar into what ever environment which need to use services from
my jar.

Joe Hindsley wrote:
Hi Alexi,

The way we've done this is to package the applicationContext.xml in the war - not in the jar. You can do this by adding it to the war's src/main/resources directory. In order to run unit tests in the jar module, we have added an applicationContext.xml in the jar's src/test/resources directory.

Keeping the applicationContext.xml out of the jar will help keep weird class path issues from cropping up if you try to 'override' it. Plus, we feel like it's the top most package's responsibility to configure the spring environment. There's probably a better way to do it, so hope that others will chime in with their ideas as well.

One other suggestion is to use JNDI to supply your DataSource instead of having a jndi.properties file. This way you don't have to unpack the war to make configuration changes - they'll be part of the container's configuration. The more you can delegate to the container the less you have to fiddle with at deployment time.

Hope this helps,

Joe Hindsley

Alexi Polenur wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to setup a multi-module project. One module produce a JAR
(jar-module) and another one a WAR which uses jar produced by

jar-modules has some configuration files - Spring xml and .property
Rather then package them as part of the jar I wanted to deploy them into
WEB-INF/classes directory of the war, to allow end user easy

I am new to Maven and wondering what is the best way to do it.

First thing which comes to my mind is following.

1. Make jar module produce additional artifacts, let say jdbc.properties
2. Make WAR module depend not only on jar but also on additional
3. Somehow configure WAR module build process to get this artifacts from
repository and install them into WEB-INF/classes of the war file.

Is it right approach or there is better, simpler approach.

If it is right approach can somebody point me in direction of how to
it. Such as how I install additional artifacts in 1. above and then how I

Thanks, Alexi

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