Am Dienstag 21 Juli 2009 17:10:38 schrieb Wayne Fay:
> >> I have to provide a jar file (java applet) inside the jar file that is
> >> compiled against jdk 1.4 while the project itself is 1.5. The applet
> >> contains a subset of the classes of the whole project.
> What classloader are you using that allows you to embed a Jar inside
> another Jar? As far as I am aware, that is not allowed per the Jar
> spec.

Those classes inside the inner jar file do not need do be loaded by a 
classloader. The JAR file is a bundle of classes and resources and the inner 
jar file is just another resource. It has to be in there because it's a 
framework project and the structure is somewhat standard.

> You will probably need to use the Assembly plugin to create the
> package you require.

I did not know how to do this. Compile some classes twice (for inner and outer 
jar) build the inner jar file and embed it in the outer one. The ant-run 
plugin was the best bet here, I guess.



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