Yeah, I too highly recommend the release plugin.  It is ideal for going from
snapshots to a final veresion.  I can't amagine doing it all manually.

Dave Hoffer
- sent via G1

On Jul 22, 2009 8:06 PM, "David C. Hicks" <> wrote:

The version is normally bumped by the maven-release-plugin.  The typical
release process would look like:

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform

In general, the whole process does several things:  change the version
from SNAPSHOT to a release form, build your code to make sure it will
build and tests pass, create a new scm tag with the release version,
bump the version number and relabel it as a SNAPSHOT.

You are, of course, free to manage all of this on your own, but I would
recommend you look at the plugin.  It sure is a time saver.


Nicholas Tung wrote: > Hi all, > > Is there a way to set the version for the
"mvn deploy" comma...
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