Thaks Marty...My problem got resolved for signing the jars..

I had key at two places just for testing purpose. Actually in keystore you need 
to put complete path like (<keystore>${basedir}/src/keytool/GTSkey</keystore>)  
and if you do not, it looks for key in ${} 

Did you anybody ever signed the weblogic jar using maven utility. I am getting 
below error while signing weblogic jar even after setting memory to 1GB(through 
ant it is working fine):

[WARNING] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Gainty [] 
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 11:49 AM
Subject: RE: Issue with Maven Webstart Plugin while signing weblogic9.2.2 jar

depends on where the keystore implementation takes place here is an excerpt 
from axis2.xml  <transportReceiver name="https" 
        <parameter name="keystore" locked="false">

if i set attribute locked="true" then the current KeyStore node configuration 
cannot be overriden (by parent) 

i dont understand why you have 2 keystore configurations?
Martin Gainty
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> Subject: Issue with Maven Webstart Plugin while signing weblogic9.2.2 
> jar
> Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 11:28:12 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Hi,
> We are using webstart maven plugin to genereate the webstart war file 
> and for signing the jar also.(below is the pom part for signing)
> <sign>
> <!--keystore>src/main/keytool/GTSkey</keystore-->
> <keypass>GTSkey</keypass>
> <storepass>GTSkey</storepass>
> <alias>GTS</alias>
> <verify>true</verify>
> </sign>
> It does sign all the jars except weblogic9.2.2 jar(I know jar size is 
> large but same jar is getting signed through ant without any issue, I 
> did (set MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx1024m") also but all in vain. Does anybody 
> faced this issue earlier and know the resolution.
> Apart from the above issue, If I use the Keystore as commented out in 
> the pom it starts giving me error(GTSkey is key generated) but if I do 
> comment it out and use the default key genereated in home directory, 
> it does run without any issue. Any thoughts on this ?
> Thanks
> Sandeep

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