2009/8/13 Éric Daigneault <dai...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks for answering and clarify the documentation.
> I also looked into profiles and it looked quite promising but limitations on
> how they are activated and inherited let me to (yet another) dead end.
> This however leaves me hung dry... how else can I obtain the desired
> functionality (modulate plugins behaviour for descendents with finer grain
> than by declaring them)  Right now all I get is an all or nothing behaviour,
> would it be possible to use ID of some sort to determine if this or that
> plugin config should be used ?
> Here is an example to illustrate what I mean.  on the four projects above C
> determines a base on which other projects are created.  Thus I want to
> configure there as much of what the children behaviour as possible,
> simplifying as much as possible the children's creation.  Now if I have
> different types of children on which a plugin needs to behave differently.
> How can I modulate this behaviour for the children right in the child POM
> without having to redeclare the whole plugin configuration ?

Just override the settings you want to change in the child pom.

In fact if you want a default for all children but the parent must not
use the same, then you just again override in the
/project/build/plugins section in the pom.

/project/build/pluginManagement/plugins specifies the defaults, you
can always overide an individual setting back in

> Thanks
> Éric
> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 11:01 PM, Brian Fox <bri...@infinity.nu> wrote:
>> The docs are wrong. Although it is often used for inheritence, it most
>> definitely applies to the current project as well. The
>> pluginManagement provides defaults to the plugins if they are used,
>> either from the cli, default lifecycle bindings, or explicit bindings
>> in the pom. See here for more information:
>> http://www.sonatype.com/people/2008/05/optimal-maven-plugin-configuration/
>> http://www.sonatype.com/books/maven-book/reference/optimizing-sect-plugins.html
>> On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Éric Daigneault<dai...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I was refactoring my projects to make better use of dependency management
>> > and pluginManagement.  Almost got it all to work the way I want but I hit
>> a
>> > wall in how the pluginManagement is used.
>> >
>> > When looking at the definition in the documentation find the following
>> >
>> > *pluginManagement: is an element that is seen along side plugins. Plugin
>> > Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that
>> rather
>> > than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it
>> is
>> > intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However,
>> > this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the
>> plugins
>> > element in the children. The children have every right to override
>> > pluginManagement definitions.*
>> > *
>> > *This is all good and actually is exactly the behaviour that I am
>> after...
>> > so after hours of fiddling and looking I was quite pleased to find this
>> > little bit.  However when actually applying I find that the plugin
>> > definition in plugin management are actually made active in the CURRENT
>> > project as well as the children.  This is quite bothersome unfortunately.
>> >
>> > I created a toned downed version of my build situation to illustrate the
>> > issue :
>> >
>> > Project A is a generic parent POM that basically just defines the common
>> > parts for all projects.
>> >
>> > Project B is a library that is used in many different projects
>> >
>> > Project C is an aggregation project as well as parent POM that defines a
>> > framework.  There is no code here, just POMs, Assembly descriptors etc.
>>  but
>> > the project aggregate many projects to form a single package.  I do this
>> to
>> > make it easier to develop against the framework, this way we only inherit
>> > from Project C and all the needed stuff is there that standardizes the
>> > dependencies and packaging of projects built on the framework.
>> >
>> > Project D is a project that is built on the framework, a bit of code ans
>> > some stuff to add to the assembly.
>> >
>> > OK...
>> >
>> > Now, everything is working well and Project C is creating a zip file as
>> it
>> > should that contains all the stuff from modules and dependencies.  Now
>> > anyone can download the zip file and start working on the framework.  Now
>> I
>> > want to define in the pluginManagement of project C some stuff to help
>> child
>> > projects to use the framework package directly instead of rebuilding it
>> from
>> > scratch everytime.  Below is the POM snippet that defines this behaviour
>> :
>> >
>> > in Project C I have ...
>> >
>> >  <build>
>> >   <pluginManagement>
>> >      <plugins>
>> >        <plugin>
>> >          <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>> >          <version>2.0</version>
>> >          <executions>
>> >             ...
>> >            </execution>
>> >          </executions>
>> >        </plugin>
>> >      </plugins>
>> >    </pluginManagement>
>> >  </build>
>> >
>> > if I do mvn help:effective-pom on project C I get that the build section
>> is
>> > empty, which is exactly what I ordered..
>> >
>> > If in project D (which has project C as parent) I have the following
>> build
>> > section :
>> >
>> >  <build>
>> >    <plugins>
>> >      <plugin>
>> >        <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>> >      </plugin>
>> >    </plugins>
>> >  </build>
>> >
>> >
>> > and do a mvn help:effective-pom I get a build section that contains the
>> > maven-dependency-plugin with all the bells and whistle I placed in
>> project`s
>> > C pluginManagement... again all is good...
>> >
>> > But let`s say that project C wants to create something that uses
>> > dependencies and needs to do work with the maven-dependency-plugin.  I
>> > therefore add the following to Project C POM :
>> >
>> >  <build>
>> >   <pluginManagement>
>> >      <plugins>
>> >        <plugin>
>> >          <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>> >          <version>2.0</version>
>> >          <executions>
>> >             Some stuff for the children
>> >            </execution>
>> >          </executions>
>> >        </plugin>
>> >      </plugins>
>> >    </pluginManagement>
>> >    <plugins>
>> >      <plugin>
>> >        <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
>> >          <version>2.0</version>
>> >          <inherited>false</inherited> <!-- this perticular config is NOT
>> > for kids... for parent only -->
>> >            <executions>
>> >             some stuff for adults only
>> >            </execution>
>> >          </executions>
>> >       </plugin>
>> >    </plugins>
>> >  </build>
>> >
>> >
>> > now if I do mvn help:effective-pom on project C I get all the stuff for
>> > parent AND all the stuff for kids...  Thing is... I don't want the stuff
>> for
>> > kids, I am actually preparing stuff for kids....
>> >
>> > I feel this is a bug since the documentation specifically states that the
>> > pluginDependencies are for decendents.  Unless they are reffering to the
>> XML
>> > structure's children... in which case there is a terminology problem here
>> > and the documentation should probably changed to specifically state that
>> > children refers to the XML structure... NOT child POMs...
>> >
>> > There is a simple solution to this but it involves creating yet another
>> > projects, my project structure is complex enough as it stands adding
>> extra
>> > projects just to ensure maven behaves the way I want will add a lot of
>> > needless cruft in the project tree.  Is there a way to get it to do what
>> I
>> > want without resorting to
>> yet-another-project-that-contains-nothing-usefull
>> > (codewise that is)
>> >
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> > Éric
>> >
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