I have tried to understand:

But I do not have a jetty-jmx.xml that seems to work.

I have tried this jetty-jmx.xml:

But I get deployment errors with this configuration.

I am now trying to find out hot to add an OPTION as per:

*Jetty 7 requires -DOPTIONS=jmx to be used when starting up Jetty. That is,
instead of the
above, use this:
java -DOPTIONS=jmx -jar start.jar etc/jetty-jmx.xml etc/jetty.xml

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank You…

Mick Knutson, President

BASE Logic, Inc.
Enterprise Architecture, Design, Mentoring & Agile Consulting
p. (866) BLiNC-411: (254-6241-1)
f. (415) 685-4233

Website: http://baselogic.com
Linked IN: http://linkedin.com/in/mickknutson
Vacation Rental: http://tahoe.baselogic.com

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