On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 1:14 AM, Toby Hobson <toby.hob...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> I'm finding the TestNG plugin to be a bit flaky. For example I have a few
> tests defined in a couple of classes and I wanted to add a new test class
> so
> I created a new class:
> package com.pingmenow.services;
> import org.testng.annotations.Test;
> public class DummyTest {
>  @Test
>  public void dummyTest() {
>    assert 1 == 2;
>  }
> }
Is the JVM being run without assertions being enabled?  Typically, unless
you provide the JVM the -ea command-line option, assertions are not used.

I've always used the org.testng.Assert class in testNG classes instead of
java assert keywords.  This way it doesn't matter how the JVM is started.
Can you try that to confirm that the test is executing?

Hope this helps,

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