Hey everyone,

I'm using the Maven Invoker Plugin to programmatically call maven and build

I'm able to do that with Maven 2.x projects. I simply specify where the
pom.xml file is, and ask to execute it.

I was wondering if I can also build maven 1.x projects with the
maven-invoker. (I wanted to compile as I do in comand line: maven
java:compile  )

This is the code I use to build Maven 2.x projects:

Properties mavenProperty = new Properties();

InvocationRequest request = new DefaultInvocationRequest();

request.setPomFile( new File( buildPath ) );

        if (request.getPomFile().exists()) {


            Invoker invoker = new DefaultInvoker();
            File mavenHome = new File(ProjectAttributes.mavenHomePath);

            InvocationResult result = null;


            result = invoker.execute(request);

David Nemer
Sent from Frankfurt Am Main, HE, Germany

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