Hey guys,

I'm searching for an issue of coping resources from dependent maven projects
within the maven-assembly-plugin.

The goal is to get all configuration files, from the assembled project and
all its dependencies.


For example:

Maven-Project A



Maven-Project B



Maven-Project B has Project A declared as dependency.


When Maven-Project B is assembled, the result should be

Maven-Project B






C:\workspace\ProjectB> mvn assembly: assembly


In fact, my current result is

Maven-Project B






A simplified version of my configuration:

Project B pom.xml


























































The configuration is slightly adjusted to match to the example above. I have
left out the part coping Jars.

I used the dependency-plugin to copy the Jars into the target folder. 

But I can't use the resources-plugin (copy-resources), because I don't know
how many resources are placed in the dependent project.



With regards,

Erik-F Winter


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