Thanks Martin, that helped a lot.  The link for the instructions on
configuring JSSE to use this new jssecacert file as the truststore was
broken, but I simply replaced the $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts w/ it.


Martin Gainty wrote:
> did you get a chance to add the PKIX certificate to your trusted keystore?
> Martin Gainty 
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>> Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 16:21:36 -0600
>> From:
>> Subject: SunCertPathBuilderException
>> To:
>> Hello All,
>> We have a local repository located behind SSL using a self-signed 
>> certificate.  When maven tries to retrieve an artifact from it, I get the 
>> following exception:
>> Error transferring file: PKIX 
>> path building failed: 
>> unable to find 
>> valid certification path to requested target
>> Can someone please help me configure my pom.xml to work around this?
>> Thanks!
>> --john
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