I am trying to get multiproject dependencies work. But am having a hard
time. The doc didn't seem to contain the answers to my question.

My idea is to test the multiproject functionality doing the following


I then need core to be built before web. 

Detailed Setup:

I have 3 project.xml files

on in project/ and one in each of the sub projects.

In each project.xml I have something like that

  <extend>../project.xml</extend>  (this only in the sub projects)
  <pomVersion>3</pomVersion>       (same pom version)
  <id>fullex-web</id>              (different for each project)
  <groupId>org.cb.test</groupId>   (same groupId)

The web one contains a dependency on the artifact built by the core

something like


in the project.properties for the web project I have something like


In the root maven.xml I've added the reactor example found in the doc.
  <goal name="all" description="build all modules">
          banner="Building full project"
      <j:forEach var="reactorProject" items="${reactorProjects}">



But when I run maven, it keeps trying to build web before core.

Here is the extract of maven -X:

attaining goal build:start
attaining goal all
Starting the reactor...
Using userBuildPropertiesFile: /home/jerome/build.properties
Using projectPropertiesFile:
Using projectBuildPropertiesFile:
Using userBuildPropertiesFile: /home/jerome/build.properties
Using projectPropertiesFile:
Using projectBuildPropertiesFile:
Using projectBuildPropertiesFile:
Using projectPropertiesFile:
Using userBuildPropertiesFile: /home/jerome/build.properties
Using projectPropertiesFile:
Using projectBuildPropertiesFile:
Using projectBuildPropertiesFile:
Using projectPropertiesFile:
Our processing order:
Tests FullExample (Web)
Tests FullExample (CORE)


- how do I enforce the order? Did I miss something?

- is the publishing of my jar file in a local repository the recommended
approach? Or should I use the dependency overriding (which has the
inconvenient of requiring an exact path, containing the version number)

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