Your <exclude/> looks soooo impressive!

2009/10/28 Michael Remijan <>

> I have a multi-module project and at the project POM level (not the
> module level) I want to create a a zip of the entire multi-module
> project excluding the common stuff like /CVS dirs and /target dirs. I've
> tried configuring the assembly plugin but haven't been able to get it
> to work.
> The configuration of the assembly-plugin in the project pom is what's
> giving me problems.  I tried this.
>  <build>
>    <plugins>
>             <!--
>              | This plugin configuration is responsible for
>              | creating binary distribution ZIP file which
>              | users can download, upzip, and easily execute.
>              -->
>            <plugin>
>                <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>                <executions>
>                    <execution>
>                        <id>assemble</id>
>                        <phase>package</phase>
>                        <goals>
>                            <goal>single</goal>
>                        </goals>
>                        <configuration>
>                            <descriptors>
>  <descriptor>src/assemblies/source-release.xml</descriptor>
>                            </descriptors>
>                        </configuration>
>                    </execution>
>                </executions>
>            </plugin>
>        </plugins>
>  </build>
> but it errors because it's looking for a JAR file from the project POM.
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> Failed to create assembly: Error adding file to archive:
> C:\workspace\timeserver\target\timeserver-parent-0.0.1.jar isn't a file.
> What's in the descriptor source-release.xmlis simple and as far as I can
> tell has nothing to do with the error.
> <assembly>
>  <id>source-release</id>
>  <formats>
>    <format>zip</format>
>  </formats>
>  <fileSets>
>    <!-- main project directory structure -->
>    <fileSet>
>      <directory>.</directory>
>      <outputDirectory>/</outputDirectory>
>      <useDefaultExcludes>true</useDefaultExcludes>
>      <excludes>
>        <!-- build output -->
> <exclude>%regex[(?!((?!${}/)[^/]+/)*src/).*${}.*]</exclude>
>      </excludes>
>    </fileSet>
>  </fileSets>
> </assembly>
> Any suggestions??
> Mike


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