
We're having problems with javadoc plugin. It all started when we tried to
set up a new Hudson build configuration for JDK1.6. Now configuration's name
contained "(" symbol and maven-javadoc-plugin-2.5 stopped to work. Example
of error at [1].
Then we switched to version 2.6. It helped! But now all builds were
*extremely* slow. At the slowest time console showed lines like this;

[INFO] The goal
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.6:javadoc' has not be
previously called for the project:
'org.apache.cayenne.itests:pojo:jar:3.1-SNAPSHOT'. Trying to invoke

The strange thing is that this operation is noop, there aren't any javadocs
to generate (or there are few)! So some analizys takes a lot of time (more
than 10 minutes for our project). At [2] there's a console log for this case
(sorry, it's big!)

then we switched to 2.6.1 hoping the problem was fixed there. Alas, it is
same slow and broke our builds absolutely. Don't know the reason, the log is
at [3].

So our questions are:
1. Why javadoc generation became so slow in 2.6?
2. What's the reason of regression in 2.6.1?


Thanks in advance,

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