
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Neil Chaudhuri <> wrote:

> We have an internal Maven repository that I can view in my browser at
> http://myserver:8081/nexus/content/repositories/myRepo/. I am simply
> trying to upload my generated WAR file to this repository. I have set up
> credentials in settings.xml, and my pom is set up as follows:
> <repository>
>            <id>my-maven-repo</id>
>            <name>Internal Maven Repository</name>
>  <url>file://myserver:8081/nexus/content/repositories/myRepo/</url>
> </repository>
> This work great and I get a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message.
> The problem is that when I go back to
> http://myserver:8081/nexus/content/repositories/myRepo/, I can't see it.
> Any ideas as to what is going on here?
> Thanks.

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