i dont believe <regular>expression parsing is currently available but you can 
modify org.apache.maven.profiles.Activation.java
package org.apache.maven.profiles;
@SuppressWarnings( "all" )
public class Activation
    implements java.io.Serializable
/* The conditions within the build runtime environment which will trigger  the 
automatic inclusion of the parent build profile. @version $Revision$ $Date$ */
@SuppressWarnings( "all" )
     *              Specifies that this profile will be activated based on 
existence of a file.              
    private ActivationFile file;

     //- Methods -/

     * Get specifies that this profile will be activated based on
     * existence of a file.
     * @return ActivationFile

     * Set specifies that this profile will be activated based on
     * existence of a file.
     * @param file
    public void setFile( ActivationFile file )
        this.file = file;            //*************Modify this code to acceept 
a Regular Expression and return a ActivationFile***********
    } //-- void setFile( ActivationFile )

<!-- you can implement <exists>FileNameToTestOn</exists> as seen here -->
<!-- the canonical-buildnumber profile is activated when literal .svn file is 
detected in current folder -->
<!-- existing exists code which will activate a profile called 
canonical-buildnumber -->

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 09:20:29 -0500
> Subject: Re: properties in settings.xml
> From: sony.ant...@gmail.com
> To: users@maven.apache.org
> The <file>,exists> block was inside <activation> right ?
> <profiles>
> <profile>
> ...
> <activation>
> <file><exists>${nsis.path}</exists></file>
> </activation>
>  ...
> <profile>
> <profiles>
> --sony
> On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 10:43 PM, James Russo <j...@halo3.net> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >        I have a project which uses nsis to create an installer, but NSIS
> > isn't available on all of the platforms which I build the project, and I'd
> > like it to skip making the NSIS when the makensis isn't available. I'd like
> > to make the path to NSIS be configurable in the ~/.m2/settings.xml, so I add
> > it to a "default" profile which I created having a bunch of other
> > properties:
> >
> >
> >  <profiles>
> >    <profile>
> >      <id>default</id>
> >      <properties>
> >
> >  <database.driverClassName>org.postgresql.Driver</database.driverClassName>
> >        <database.url>jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test</database.url>
> >        <database.user>user</database.user>
> >        <database.password>password</database.password>
> >        <cargo.tomcat.manager.url>http://localhost:8081/manager
> > </cargo.tomcat.manager.url>
> >        <cargo.remote.username>manager</cargo.remote.username>
> >        <cargo.remote.password>password</cargo.remote.password>
> >        <customer.webapp.context>/</customer.webapp.context>
> >        <client.webapp.context>/client</client.webapp.context>
> >        <nsis.path>/usr/local/nsis/nsis-2.45/bin/makensis</nsis.path>
> >        <!--
> >                Introduced by Hudson, uncomment if not being used via
> > hudson.
> >        <BUILD_NUMBER>dev-build</BUILD_NUMBER>
> >        <SVN_REVISION>unknown</SVN_REVISION>
> >        -->
> >      </properties>
> >    </profile>
> >  </profiles>
> >
> > So, I have a nsis.path defined in there.  However, I am trying to activate
> > the profile in my pom and neither way works. I've tried to just
> > activate the profile in the pom based on presence of nsis.path variable and
> > that doesn't work. And then I've also tried to do:
> >
> > <file><exists>${nsis.path}</exists></file>
> >
> > and that doesn't work either.
> >
> > How can I accomplish this? I could activate it manually with -P, but I'd
> > rather just have everything in the settings.xml file since I need to visit
> > that to setup the environment anyways.
> >
> > thanks!
> >
> > -jr
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> >
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