Hi everybody,


I have a project which uses remote-resources (hibernate mapping files).


My pom.xml
































When I make mvn package -Dsws.mapping.version=2.0.0 - everything's ok and 
resources are resolved and downloaded also they are put to WAR file.


But when I try to release this project:


mvn release:clean release:prepare  -Dsws.mapping.version=2.0.0  
-Dusername=svn_user -Dpassword=svn_passwd



And I  receive error:

[INFO] [INFO] [remote-resources:process {execution: default}]

[INFO] [WARNING] Unable to get resource 'com.myproj.sws2:sws-mapping:jar:null' 
from repository myrep (http://maven.myrepcom:8081): While configuring wagon for 

Unable to apply wagon configuration.




[INFO] [INFO] Resources JAR cannot be found.


As you can see, resource version is unset - 


Why my property (sws.mapping.version) is null not 2.0.0 as I set in command 
line ?




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