I'm trying to compress javascript files inside webapp directory (using 
yuicompressor) . Those compressed files are saved into target directory.
In the packaging phase war:war are those compressed files overwriten by 
their uncompressed originals. This happens
in the "Copying webapp resources" action.

Is there any way to prevent overwriting webapp resources that are already 
in target directory?

I'm using Maven2.
There was a property in Maven1 called: maven.war.resources.overwrite. This 
is not working anymore.
I've also tried to start compression in different phase such as 
prepare-package. But this doesn't help, because
i would need to inject compression between "Copying webapp resources" and 
"Building war".

See this log for better imagination:

[INFO] Packaging webapp
[INFO] Assembling webapp[MYAPP] in [/data/pub/deploy/MYAPP/target/MYAPP]
[INFO] Processing war project
[INFO] Copying webapp resources[/data/pub/deploy/MYAPP/src/main/webapp]
-------> inject compression HERE
[INFO] Building war: /data/pub/deploy/MYAPP/target/MYAPP.war

Please, does anyone know how to solve this problem in correct manner?

David Benes

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