
I'm wondering if there is any way to get Maven to fail over to one or
more repositories when ibiblio.org is unavailable, or does not contain
the JARs that I'm looking for.

It seems like the "maven.repo.remote" knob is an all-or-nothing deal; if
I want to pull certain JARs from my local repository, I have to mirror
*all* of the ibiblio JARs I want.

Similarly, if I don't set "maven.repo.remote" to anything, I can't
override one particular JAR by pointing it to a local repository; i.e. a
maven.jar.foo property can only refer to a local filesystem path, not an
internal repository URL.

Is this a limitation of Maven, or of my understanding of how to
configure it?

- Julian

P.S. Anyone know why xalan 2.6.0 is missing from ibiblio?

Julian C. Dunn, B.A.Sc.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Software Developer, CBC New Media Operations
Office: 2C310-I  *  Tel.: (416) 205-3311 x5592

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