Not that I have used it... just skimmed a book on OSGi and it was using this
plugin to do all the OSGi heavy lifting... skimming their website, they may
not be doing everything the "True Maven Way"... but they are probably not a
million miles off


2009/12/9 Stephen Connolly <>

> 2009/12/9 Jochen Mader <>
> I am working on a little prove of concept for an OSGi build.
>> (I know all the other plugins, Tycho is Maven 3 and therefore not usable
>> in
>> our environment and we want to avoid the meta information duplication
>> other
>> tools cause)
>> I got a plugin, I am accessing the context classloader. I created my realm
>> in classworld and added my jars to this new realm.
>> How can I now make maven use this classloader in the build process (I
>> configured the plugin to run in the compile step)?
>> thx
>> Jochen

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