The Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Maven Changes
Plugin, version 2.3

This plugin is used to inform your users of the changes that have
occurred between different releases of your project. The plugin can
extract these changes, either from a changes.xml file or from the JIRA
issue management system, and present them as a report. You also have the
option of creating a release announcement and even sending this via
email to your users.

You should specify the version in your project's plugin configuration:


Release Notes - Maven 2.x Changes Plugin - Version 2.3

** Bug
    * [MCHANGES-135] - JIRA links on changes report are broken
    * [MCHANGES-138] - Exception thrown when issueManagement section of
pom is missing
    * [MCHANGES-151] - A patch about the date parsing and html encoding
for maven-changes-plugin-trac
    * [MCHANGES-186] - Issue links for JIRA are broken when using the
%URL% token
    * [MCHANGES-187] - If jiraMerge=true then releases that are only in
JIRA will not be included in the announcement
    * [MCHANGES-189] - There are presentation problems in the
changes-report if an issue in changes.xml contains characters like < and >

** New Feature
    * [MCHANGES-145] - Make it possible to run the announcement goals
only once for a multi-module project


-The Maven team

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