Character entities (Ӓ) are handy though, for storing 16 bit unicode
chars in a utf8/ascii project.xml.  Hopefully xpp3 distinguishes
character entities from external entities.


On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 09:50:41PM -0400, Jason van Zyl wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-06-08 at 21:24, Dion Gillard wrote:
> > Given that they're a standard part of XML, and that the m2 project
> > descriptor in one form will be an XML document, why would they not be
> > available?
> If decided that the native mechanisms would work best, which I
> definitely think would be the case as there would be one standard way
> that work whereas the use of XML entities could be used in any fashion,
> then I would disable their use them in the xpp3 parser.
> I honestly cannot see any cases where entities would be beneficial with
> what's running now in m2. Also, with some of the more advanced features
> in m2 for conflict resolution amongst dependencies, better jar
> overriding, and better general handling of artifacts exact control over
> processing becomes necessary. I would really like to avoid having to
> locate the source of a problem by finding the source of an entity.
> In addition things like accurate authoring will have difficulty dealing
> with entities. If you, say, have a GUI that is allowing you to fix a
> conflict, or align dependencies then we can provide the exact
> information to client code to find the source of the conflict.
> I don't see any upside to entities at all in m2 and I think they would
> actually be harmful. Nothing special happens with the processing of XML
> in m1 so it doesn't really matter. But sophisticated tools will need
> exacting control whether than be our own like the conflict resolution
> mechanism or GUI tools.
> -- 
> jvz.
> Jason van Zyl
> happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will
> elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come
> and sit softly on your shoulder ...
>  -- Thoreau 
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