Since you're not actually describing the problem you're having, it's hard to say what the solution might be. But I do know that the URL you posted below describes a terribly convoluted non-solution. The only thing you need to do to create a JAR file containing the classes AND get it installed in your local repository AND get it deployed to the remote repository (at the appropriate lifecycle phases) is this:


Any time you're using install-file or deploy-file inside your pom, something is wrong.


On 12/17/09 9:49 AM, Darren Hartford wrote:
Hi all,
I am building GWT modules. A GWT module may be used on it's own (as a WAR), and 
other times is a dependency for a larger project (as a binary JAR).

I've tried this approach here:

Unfortunatley, it looks like the maven-metadata.xml, or something else in the 
repository world, doesn't recognize both a WAR and a JAR at the same time when 
we try to pull back from the repo.  When I go to the repo, the WAR and the JAR 
have different file date/times, which may or may not matter to the 
maven-metadata.xml -- this is all guessing at this point.

In any fashion, trying to search on how to solve this problem has been a 
nightmare in itself -- any guidance please?


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