I don't agree with the conception that uber (or fat) jar is the way to go.
IMO, you loose all the advantages maven dependency supplies if you do so (as
i mentioned, you need to install all your application in case you change one
line of code in one of your infrastructure jars..)

i know maven isn't supposed to be used for deployment, but with a little
open mind and flexibility, it can be done.

On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Martin Höller <mar...@xss.co.at> wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010 11:54:14 schrieb eyal edri:
> > so to my original question, how to i copy the files from the jar after i
> > install it on the target server?
> Extract the resource files from the JAR-File using 'jar' or 'zip'
> utilities,
> and copy them to the location where you want them to be.
> This is not related to maven any more. There was actually a thread about
> something similar two days ago... and while searching for it, I found that
> you were the original poster. The last mail from Thod Tiessen [0] in this
> thread hits the nail on the head, IMHO.
> hth,
> - martin
> [0]
> http://old.nabble.com/install-maven-project-from-repository-to-local-fs-to27209691.html#a27227458

Eyal Edri

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