you are failing to also compile your integration tests.... you'd need a
second execution of compiler:testCompile

2010/1/25 Adam Retter <>

> I have both Unit tests and Integration tests in my project and was
> attempting to manage this with the Surefire plugin in this way -
> But I ran into problems -
> It was recommended that I switch to the failsafe-maven-plugin for
> managing my integration tests and as such I modified my project layout
> so it looks like this -
> src/main/java
> src/main/resources
> src/test/java
> src/test/resources
> src/systest/java
> src/systest/resources
> So the idea is that I keep my tests in src/test and my integration
> tests in src/systest. I added the following to my pom.xml -
> <plugin>
>            <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
>            <artifactId>failsafe-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>            <!-- version>2.4.3-alpha-1</version -->
>            <configuration>
> <testSourceDirectory>${basedir}/src/systest/java</testSourceDirectory>
>                <includes>
>                    <include>*.java</include>
>                </includes>
>            </configuration>
>            <executions>
>              <execution>
>                <id>integration-test</id>
>                <phase>integration-test</phase>
>                <goals>
>                  <goal>integration-test</goal>
>                </goals>
>              </execution>
>              <execution>
>                <id>verify</id>
>                <phase>verify</phase>
>                <goals>
>                  <goal>verify</goal>
>                </goals>
>              </execution>
>            </executions>
>          </plugin>
> But only the unit tests are run in the test goal and no integration
> tests are found or run during the integration-test goal.
> If I change the inclusion to "**/*.java", then the problem is that the
> unit tests are run during the test goal and the unit tests and
> integration tests are mixed up and run together during the
> integration-test goal. The idea is that the integration-test goal
> should just run the integration tests (obviously after running the
> unit tests as part of the test goal).
> So what am I doing wrong here?
> --
> Adam Retter
> skype :adam.retter

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