Stephen Connolly wrote on 01/02/2010 11:50:
> have you tried izpack-maven-plugin?

Hi Stephan!

I had a look at IzPack shortly, and as I understood, IzPack creates an
installer for your maven project. So, your maven targets artifacts have
to be packaged before creating an installation. What I ideally need is:

1. Create a "lightweight" installator, that will not contain any maven
artifacts (or, if not possible, contain all of them).
2. When end user launches the installator, it is asked for some input,
which is saved as .property file.
3. Installator then fetches only the artifacts needed (selected by user
+ those which are obligatory), and replaces the property file(s) in
those artifacts. Finally it creates ready to-use WAR package.

If you have an example of above -- give me a link, please. That would be

Right now I see the only way is to create a temporary maven project and
after doing steps (1) and (2) launch maven to complete the packaging.

With best regards,

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