Andrey Razumovsky wrote:

Imagine I have two projects, A and B. Both are mine projects and aren't
published anywhere on the internet (don't have url). A is referenced from B.
Classes from B inherit a lot from classes from A.
The goal is to build docs for B, and include there only B sources. But also
I want comments for B methods to be automatically inherited from A docs.
Currently I've been unable to do that.
When I specify <links> to local storage of A docs, links are created, but
docs are not inherited.
When I specify <sourcepath> to storage of A src, docs are inherited, but
classes from A are included in docs as well (unwanted). Trying to exclude
them with <excludePackageNames> results in losing docs inheritance.

BTW I used to solve the problem with Ant once:
<javadoc ... sourcepath="src/main/java;${A.LOCATION}/src/main/java"
packagenames="B.PACKAGE.*" />

How can I do that with Maven?

Thanks in advance,

Are you sure that you would not be happier with more small library projects that create JARs dependencies for the main projects? Combined with interfaces and implementations, you should get a decent set of docs plus a set of code that is easier to maintain.


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