For those just starting this, I'm automating a deployment of a
two-part project that has one part on Sun Webserver 7 and another on
Weblogic. Each dev should be able to have his or her own special
configuration so in the previous thread I figured out how to load
stuff from a centralized properties file located in their home
directory. This will allow our devs to specify config without any
chance of it getting into subversion accidentally. A well commented
example config file will be provided in the subversion repo.

OK, so I've yanked all the requisite properties out of the properties
file. That means I know everything I need to know about the server I'm
deploying to.  So how do I deploy it?
Is there a plugin out there that I've not yet found which will deploy
to Webserver 7 in a more friendly/agnostic fashion or will I have to
use a bunch of exec commands to utilize the command line interface for
Webserver 7?

Jim C.

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