thanks for the swift response.
First I also thought it's an Archiva issue, but basically Maven is talking
to the Repo Manager, right? So Maven defines the contract, and Archiva can
only respond to the contract.

We are still investigating the issue and try to reproduce different

For now, the question for us is whether Maven has the concept of
artifact-verification by using hash-codes at all.
Any input on this matter?

2010/2/25 Brett Porter <>

> On 26/02/2010, at 1:30 AM, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Marc Lustig <> wrote:
> >> we had a number of cases when the artifact in our central-repo
> >> (Archiva-based) was not consistent with the corresponding hash.
> >
> > You can configure the checksum policy to fail when Maven _downloads_
> > an artifact if the checksum doesn't match.
> >
> > If you're having trouble with checksums when deploying to Archiva, it
> > would probably be best to ask on the Archiva users list.  If artifacts
> > are getting added with the wrong checksum, that's probably a bug.
> Could it be one of these?
> > It
> > does have some 'repository health' reports that might help find the
> > problems after the fact.
> - Brett
> --
> Brett Porter
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