Hi everyone,

I am posting this for a colleague of mine who has an interesting gig in NJ.


*Maven/Nexus/Subversion Implementation Specialist*

*Short-term Consulting -- initial phase is 1 week *

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Client is in the process of replacing their current version control tool (PVCS) with Collabnet's Subversion tool. The development organization is a multi-platform shop performing JAVA and Websphere development. They are looking to integrate the use of Maven and Nexus as part of this conversion to improve the control, quality and efficiency of their software build process while utilizing RAD as the IDE platform.

Currently the development team is performing this work as an additional assignment to their day job. They have completed much integration but are having integration and optimization issues with Maven and Nexus with RAD. They would like CMI to assist them in completing the integration of these tools for this "Pilot" project.

We are in the process of identifying a consultant to help us meet the Maven / Nexus integration SME needs of this client engagement. We are in the early stages of assisting in the customization / optimization of Maven and Nexus within our client's RAD IDE. Their source code control tool is Subversion and they are also using Hudson for continuous builds. I'd classify the current need as "assessment and recommendation" - We' re anticipating getting the longer-term work that is available behind this, as an off-shoot of this initial phase. The candidate will accompany and report to other CMI staff.


Ø Identify the software build impacts to moving to the new tools including Subversion, Maven and Nexus.

Ø Assist with the integration and optimization of Subversion, Maven and Nexus to support the UBS software build environment.

*Required knowledge and experience:*

Most Important:


Collabnet's Subversion (Administrative skills)

Also Beneficial:

Java and Websphere Software Development


Additional knowledge as a bonus:

Collabnet's TeamForge



Oliver Eaton

Recruiting Manager CMI


732-450-1100 ext. 114

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*Additional Notes:*

The initial pilot is to get one development group up and operational on the new tool infrastructure. That would include Subversion as the version control repository and Maven and Nexus as supporting build tools. The next phase of the pilot would consider the use of TeamForge (they have a trial license) and Hudson for support of continuous integration. The two biggest issues they are facing are implementing the necessary controls to ensure integrity without burdening the developer with new process requirements (we had much discussion with client on this and Best Practices are going to have to be compromised initially to get this project off the ground) and configuring Maven, Lexus and SVN to a lesser to degree to do want they need to have done. In the meeting we discussed the issue of developers delivering "JAR" files to the build environment and stated that could be controlled through SVN and the issue of developers including links to software outside the controlled environment and stated that could be controlled by limiting the allowable IP addresses for file access.

Another key point is the development team doing this project as a sanctioned "skunk works". As a result the current team that does CM has not been including in this project. We need to make sure the solution supports both the development team and the corporate CM team.

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