Just a lurking newbie myself, but...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paterline, David L. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 8:24 AM
> To: 'Maven Users List'
> Subject: RE: Error in generating site on HP-UX

> Is anyone successfully using Maven v. 1.0-rc2 on HP-UX B.11.11?

I'm not (I'm using Maven v.1.0-rc3 on HP-True64 Unix), but the error you
speak of sounds eerily similar to ones I've run into.

> Does anyone have any idea what the cryptic error message "Could not parse
> Jelly script" means, 

I somehow did a combination of un-tar's and unzips that got me DOS line
endings on some of my files and those files couldn't be read on our HP-Tru64
5.1A box.  Possible here?  You can look for the "plugin.jelly" file in
$HOME/.maven/plugins/xxx where xxx is the plugin for the goal you are
executing (I'm guessing maven-site-plugin-x.x in this case?)

> or how to understand what the parser is choking on in
> source file, since no source file line number is referenced?

I'm not a Jelly expert but it is a superset of ant.  

Ant tasks are often defined in the *.jelly files in their own namespace like


This means that normal ant echo tasks could be used to determine where in
the file you get to... something like this:

<ant:echo>Just after test:test goal.</ant:echo>

But it doesn't sound like your script is even being executed at all at this

> Thanks.

You're welcome.  I hope this helps.  For what it's worth, v 1.0rc3 was a big
step forward for me in getting the whole thing to work.


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