It seems I found it.

I had 2 configurations of JavadocVariableCheck in my checkstyle file.
I guess it was dependent on the moon which entry checkstyle used. ;)

With regards,

Nick Stolwijk
~Java Developer~

Claus Sluterweg 125
2012 WS Haarlem

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Nick Stolwijk <> wrote:
> I'm seeing something strange with the checkstyle plugin.
> We are using Checkstyle plugin 2.5 and configure it using a checkstyle
> file in a jar that is an extension of our pom.
> Thus:
> <project>
>   <properties>
>      <checkstyle-maven-plugin.version>2.5</checkstyle-maven-plugin.version>
>   </properties>
>   <build>
>    <plugins>
>        <plugin>
>          <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>          <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>
>          <version>${checkstyle-maven-plugin.version}</version>
>          <configuration>
>            <includeTestSourceDirectory>true</includeTestSourceDirectory>
>            <configLocation>iris_checks.xml</configLocation>
>          </configuration>
>        </plugin>
>    </plugins>
>    <extensions>
>      <extension>
>        <groupId>org.example</groupId>
>        <artifactId>build-resources</artifactId>
>        <version>1.0.4</version>
>      </extension>
>    </extensions>
>  </build>
> </project>
> When I run the following command line:
> mvn clean checkstyle:checkstyle && cp target/checkstyle-result.xml .
> && mvn clean checkstyle:checkstyle && diff checkstyle-result.xml
> target/checkstyle-result.xml
> I sometimes see differences like:
>> <error line="12" column="5" severity="warning" message="Missing a Javadoc 
>> comment." 
>> source=""/>
> 279a281,286
>> <error line="122" column="9" severity="warning" message="Missing a Javadoc 
>> comment." 
>> source=""/>
>> <error line="123" column="9" severity="warning" message="Missing a Javadoc 
>> comment." 
>> source=""/>
>> <error line="124" column="9" severity="warning" message="Missing a Javadoc 
>> comment." 
>> source=""/>
>> <error line="125" column="9" severity="warning" message="Missing a Javadoc 
>> comment." 
>> source=""/>
>> <error line="126" column="9" severity="warning" message="Missing a Javadoc 
>> comment." 
>> source=""/>
>> <error line="127" column="9" severity="warning" message="Missing a Javadoc 
>> comment." 
>> source=""/>
> I don't change code between runs, so I assume this may never happen.
> What could cause this?
> With regards,
> Nick Stolwijk
> ~Java Developer~
> Claus Sluterweg 125
> 2012 WS Haarlem

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