Steve Cohen wrote:
> I am trying to build a project that requires the cp1252 encoding to be
> used by the compiler.  There are Spanish literals in the source code as
> quoted strings and I prefer to leave it that way rather than decipher
> the unicode every time I look at it.  I wouldn't mind using the unicode
> if I could write the equivalent as a comment but the compiler complains
> about encodings in comments as well.
> I have always built this project using m2eclipse, successfully, but now
> am trying to build it from the command line.  I find that in spite of
> the presence of this in the pom.xml
> <properties>
> <>cp1252</>
> </properties>
> the compiler plugin complains about "unmappable character for encoding
> UTF8".  This is true even though the maven output includes
> [INFO] Using 'cp1252' encoding to copy filtered resources.  Why doesn't
> the compiler plugin respect my expressed wishes?
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I can workaround this by adding <encoding>cp1252</encoding> to the
compiler plugin configuration but this appears to contradict
which says

"The -encoding argument for the Java compiler.
Default value is: ${}."

BTW, using compiler plugin version 2.0.2

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