As the blogpost mentions, junit+surefire by itself is unable to constrain the number of threads; you need CPC=true for any kind of thread limitation.

Both threadCount and perCoreThreadCount are thread constraints, so you need CPC for both of them.

And btw; if you like running betas you'll get a significant speed boost by switching to jdk 7 ;)


Den 12.04.2010 14:05, skrev Paolo Castagna:
Kristian Rosenvold wrote:
All your questions should be answered here;

Thanks for the link, very useful.

I have installed the configurable-parallel-computer as well.
Now I see configurableParallelComputerPresent=true. :-)

But, I am still confused by the threadCount option...
Does it have any effect without the configurable-parallel-computer?
Does it have any effect if used in conjunction with perCoreThreadCount?

I generally do not advise the use of "both", "classes" is both easier to get running and usually faster.

I am now using "classes", I trust you.

For the project I am currently testing the "parallel" execution of
tests, I am probably in this scenario, as you wrote: "For a fairly
optimized unit-test set, expect little or no gain - maybe 15-20%."

But, I'll use the approach for other projects.



Den 12.04.2010 12:58, skrev Paolo Castagna:
Thank you Kristian,
my mistake. I was trying to use parallel with an old project which
uses JUnit3 tests via JUnit4, so no @Test annotations.

Now, I am trying again with another project which is using JUnit4
with tests annotated with @Test.

But I do not see any speed-up improvement (on a Quad Core).

Also, I see:

[INFO] Concurrency config is {threadCount=4, parallel=both, configurableParallelComputerPresent=false}

What the "configurableParallelComputerPresent=false" means?

I am not even sure if threadCount=4 means 4 threads per core
or 4 threads in total.

But, at least, this time the number of tests executed is correct.

Thanks again,

Kristian Rosenvold wrote:
Please note that the parallel provider actually requires correctly defined junit4/junit3 tests to run, annotate your methods with @Test.

The "classic" Junit 4 provider would run a large number of tests that were incorrectly defined according to junit specifications. The concurrent provider uses the same selection mechanism as the junit 4 provider, but junit itself adds an additional compliance check before running the test.

I also recommend you use the latest release of Junit; 4.8.2, or 4.8.1 if 4.8.2 hasn't reached the repos yet.

Den 11.04.2010 23:58, skrev Paolo Castagna:
I am trying to see if running JUnit tests in parallel makes any
difference and/or significant speed-up.

I have this in my pom.xml:




When I run the tests without <parallel> and <threadCount> I see:

Tests run: 9491, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: ...

While when I run the tests with <parallel> and <threadCount> as showed

Tests run: 40, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Is this a bug?

Am I doing something wrong here?


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