
I use Maven 2 in a project and i would like to link plugin execution to the
execution of another plugin.

In fact, in my project I've got a plugin A and a plugin B. And when I
execute plugin A, I would like that plugin B be executed just before plugin

In my use case, plugin A is gwt-maven-plugin and plugin B is

My POM configuration is the following :


<echo message="Test" />

With that, I thought that execution of my id process-ant was like a phase
process-ant that I could bind to executions of others plugins.

However, that doesn't work. When I launch gwt:compile (of plugin
gwt-maven-plugin), phase process-ant is not launched.

Someone would have an idea to be able to bind 2 plugin which phases are not
standards Maven phases ?

Thanks by advance for your help.


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