In the org.apache:apache:7 pom, a common parent-pom for apache projects,
I see in the apache-release profile section, a part which creates the
source-release artifact.

This runs the maven-assembly-plugin, and passes it a dependency on

In the configuration, it specifies a descriptorRef of

I looked in the documentation for the maven-assembly-plugin, and can't
find this usage documented.

So - some questions:

Is the value of descriptorRef ( ${sourceReleaseAssemblyDescriptor} ) a
maven "property"?  If so, where is it set?

The "descriptorRef" parameter is documented to refer to one of 4
built-in assembly descriptors.  Is this usage allowing it to refer to
some other non-built-in descriptor?  If so, how is the linkage
established (I presume via the "dependency" element, but what name(s)?
need to match with what to make this magic happen?

Or, have I guessed incorrectly as to what is happening here ;-) ?


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