Hi All,

I've been using maven for sometime, but i always used it only for building
artifact and to deploy i used ant, but whenever someone asked me why not use
maven for both build and deploy to servers i couldn't really tell them why?

Here is my requirement we have different env like DEV,SIT,UAT and PROD and
now i use maven to build the code at DEV stream in clearcase, at the end of
successful compilation i create a ear using maven ear plugin create a ear
and store it some central location. for this i use a command mvn -e clean
package. After this whenever there is a request to deploy the ear file at
different times i take the ear file from this central location and deploy it
to different environment without rebuilding again, so for this purpose
initially i tried adding the my server related plugin at install phase then
tried running mvn -e clean install but whenever i did maven goes thru full
life cyle again like compiling,packaging again, but i didn't want on this
way i just want to take the ear file already created and just run that
"install" phase, i tried the same in different phase and tried to run just
that goal, but never got it working. so finally i decided my self that this
is not possible unless we want to go thru full lifecyle
(compile,package,deploy) every time, so moved to ant it was very easy with
ant. But time to time i do see lot of emails on this forum asking about
failure in deployments, is everyone is doing full lifecycle every time ? no
one just compile and package only one time then stage the artifact then
deploy it from there using maven? is there something i'm missing here ?

Any one has any thought on this?

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