No one has any ideas?

I'm thinking along the lines that something that wasn't bundled with
maven alpha is now bundled with maven beta. Something that takes
precedence over what's need for customised url handlers to work. Does
anyone know if something has changed in that respect from the alpha to
the beta version that could break url handlers.


2010/5/7 Bengt Rodehav <>:
> I'm using the features-maven-plugin included in Apache Felix. It in
> turn uses "pax-url-mvn" (version 1.1.2) to enable the protocol "mvn:".
> This works fine in maven 2.2.1 and also in maven 3.0-alpha-7. However,
> with everything else the same, it fails under maven 3.0-beta-1. I get
>  " unknown protocol: null"
> This happens in a call to "uri.toURL()" where the uri is created from
> the string: "mvn:org.apache.felix.karaf/apache-felix-karaf/1.4.0/xml/features"
> It seems that the combination of pax-url-mvn and and maven 3.0-beta-1
> does not work. Has anyone got any ideas as to what is wrong and
> possibly a workaround?
> /Bengt

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