Another way to test this is to create a WAR project, include your jar as
dependency and use the jetty plugin.

On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 20:16 -0700, AnshuGupta wrote:
> We are using Maven as the build automation tool. The build process generates
> a jar file. The requirement here is to start execution of the java
> application which will be generated by the build - Wait for  a few seconds
> to let the application start completely and then move onto the test phase,
> which will perform start a test tool (SoapUI) that will issue soap calls
> against the java application  that was just started.
> We tried using the exec plugin, to start the java application. However, when
> we moved onto the test phase, the java application terminated. Also, we
> couldn't figure out how to introduce a delay before the start of the soapUI
> tests.
> What will be the best way to achieve the above?

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