appears to be a broken link. Maybe the server is just down

On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Celinio Fernandes <> wrote:
> Thanks very much for these helpful pointers.
> --- On Thu, 5/20/10, Jeff Jensen <> wrote:
> From: Jeff Jensen <>
> Subject: Re: How do you mavenize projects ? (EJB, Webapp, JPA under Eclipse)
> To: "Maven Users List" <>,
> Date: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 7:11 AM
> Maven Users List rejects my reply as
> spam (I sent it two times; oh well), so I am sending directly to you as well 
> this time.
> First item is to
> install m2eclipse,
> which you did.
> Second is to create Maven POMs for each
> module/Eclipse project (I infer you have not done this as
> it was not mentioned).  You can use m2eclipse to help you create the
> POMs.  Ensure each POM builds correctly
> from the command line too.
> Then you can "Enable Dep Management".
>  It enables m2eclipse to do many wonderful
> build things for you, using Maven.  Read the features list [0].
> You
>  need to use some resources to help with
> your quest :-).  Besides the Maven site, these [1] online free books
> from Sonatype are very useful.  The
> website and books will explain how to create a POM and run Maven for
> builds and other activities.
> [0]
> [1]
> On Thu, 20 May 2010 06:46:42 -0700 (PDT)
>  Celinio Fernandes
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using Eclipse Galileo.
>> Initially I created several
> projects (one webapp, one
>>EJB project, one JPA project) in Eclipse, without Maven.
>> The output of these
> projects is a single EAR file
>>(containing the JAR, WAR files ...).
>> There is no ANT build file. The
> compilation and creation
>>of the EAR file is automatically generated with Eclipse.
>> I am using Java 6 and
> Maven 2.0.9.
>> The question is : how do you mavenize these projects ?
>> 1) If I
> use the command line way to use Maven, under
>>DOS, what do i need to do for each project ?
>> 2) I
> have installed the m2Eclipse (Maven Integration)
>>plugin for Eclipse. If I use that plugin,
>> how do i
> proceed ? I just noticed a feature called
>>"Enable Dependency Management" if i right click on a
>> what does it do ?
>> Any suggestion or pointer would be much appreciated.
> Thanks in advance for helping.


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