In trying to deploy artifacts I have the following stanzas in my
settings.xml plugin


I have 2 issues ...

If I run the command ...
verify gpg:sign install:install deploy:deploy

I see the error ...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot
connect. Reason: invalid privatekey: c:\Dev\sshKeyForPAO.ppk

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
but the key referenced in the me.people element is the one I register
with pageant to successfully authenticate with

2) If I run the equivalent command, but using me.people2  I am asked
for my password for every scp operation (it would take me I would
guess 8 or more hours of pasting in my password to get the command to
complete in this way)

here's the output ...

[INFO] Using alternate deployment repository

Note that too many successive login failures will result in further
logins from your IP address being blocked. If this happens, contact
<>, mentioning your IP address so that it can
be unblocked.

: Keyboard interactive required, supplied password is ignored
Password: :

Ckues as to how to fix eiter/both of these issues are most welcome, thanks


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