the organization that i currently work at is in the process of
updating our POM hierarchy.  we're moving to a common company SuperPOM
which everyone will inherit from as opposed to the handful of
semi-SuperPOMs we have now. :)  we currently have over 300 artifacts
that are downstream of this architecture and we'll be rolling this
model out in phases since it would be very difficult to schedule a
release with all of our artifacts at once.  we're hoping to take
advantage of the common plugin management and dependency management to
keep our third party dependencies more manageable.  this sounds good,
but i'm guessing we'll get halfway through the rollout and realize
that we need to make some changes to the SuperPOM, which entails a new
version, which means updating all the downstream artifacts so they
inherit from the new parent.  this could become a very vicious cycle.

so, the question i have is how do other large organizations with this
model handle versioning their SuperPOMs?  do you actually update the
version and then go through all the artifacts and update their parent
block?  or do you keep the SuperPOM at a static version (probably not
a very good idea) so all updates are handled dynamically?
is there a way to enforce which version of the SuperPOM should be
used?  or at least warn the developer that there is a newer version of
the SuperPOM that they should be inheriting from?

Andrew Close

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