2010/6/7 Anders Hammar <and...@hammar.net>
> Could it be that it is looking for Data.xml at path
> foo/secondModule/Data.xml. I'm guessing that this is a plain Java thing
> not related to Maven.
> /Anders

To solve this problem , I tried to use maven-dependency-plugin:unpack to
solve my problem :
In my secondModule's POM , I added these snippets :



In this POM file , I try to unpack the first module , and copy the Data.xml
to classes/foo/firstModule/ directory , and then run tests.
And indeed , it is copied to the right directory , I can find the "Data.xml"
file in "target/classes/foo/firstModule" directory.
But maven test still complains it cannot read the File
(Properties.loadFromXML() throws NPE).

I tried other output directory , such as
${project.build.directory}/resources , and
${project.build.directory}/test-classes , but all in vain...

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